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How to dry kiwi on the stove

Kiwi is one of those fruits that has a very good taste, so some people like it; Use this fruit dried. You may be wondering if the properties of kiwi are changed by drying them or not. Iranian Pistachio We must tell you that in the process of drying kiwi, the fiber and vitamins of this unique food are not lost, and you can benefit from the properties of this nutrient rich in vitamin C as before.

Some sliced ??kiwi plus dried kiwi

How to dry kiwi

To be able to dry this fruit, first prepare fresh and hard kiwi; Then wash them cleanly. After the washing process, cut the kiwis into thin slices. Also, taking the skin of this fruit is optional. After completing the steps, you should put the kiwis in the tray, after that you can sprinkle some salt on them according to your desire.

Now we come to the process of drying kiwis, the process of drying kiwis may take two to three days. When you put the tray of kiwi on the stove, you should set the temperature of the stove to a moderate level, it is also suggested to put parchment paper inside the tray or tray where you want to dry the kiwis, so that the kiwis do not stick to your tray or tray.

How to store dried kiwi

If you can completely dry the kiwis, you can store them in a container in the cupboard; But pay attention to the fact that if the kiwis have some moisture, they must be put in the refrigerator. This allows for the long-term storage of this excellent product, and you can make the most of the properties and advantages, as well as the unique taste of kiwis.

How to dry bananas on a stove

Banana is a very delicious and excellent substance that you can consume to benefit from the properties of this unique substance. You can easily dry this great food on the stove to make banana chips because its taste is very delicious.

To start the work, you must first prepare some bananas. Bananas should be healthy and without spots; After choosing the right bananas, cut them equally. You should pay attention to the thickness of the bananas; You can add the juice of some citrus fruits to the bananas so that they do not change from the air.

If you want to dry the bananas on the stove after doing all the steps we mentioned, it is better to put the bananas in a steel tray. You should pay attention to important points, for example, the flame of the heater should not be too high, you should also pay attention to the bananas; The drying time of bananas on the stove is about 6-7 hours.